I have found a natural affinity with digital imaging software and have gone on to teach many others the benefits of this approach. At a time when many still thought that film was still a better option for photography, I was an early adopter. Lecturing widely around the Sydney and NSW area, I have gained a reputation for providing clear and concise information and being willing and able to help others learn photographic skills.
Website | www.phototutor.com You Tube Channel link: click HERE
Power Without Glory
This portfolio was prompted by the political situation emerging in both Australia and the wider world over the past few years.

As night time falls, the creatures of the forest emerge from their hiding places in the undergrowth.
These are the creatures of our childhood fantasies, the Goblins, Gremlins, Trolls and Hobgoblins, they all exist in our imagination, but what if they really were real? Where would they hide?
These beasts can only be seen when we really know how to look for them, because during daylight hours they are hiding in plain sight.
They are not benign; they are indifferent to humanity and only exist to pursue their own wants and needs. Legend tells us they are fond of playing tricks and deceiving the unwary. Beware, these creatures are dangerous!
The emerging creatures were first discovered in images made in the Tasmanian wilderness. When the first one was found, careful examination of other images revealed more of them lurking in the shadows, previously unseen. Once seen, they can never be unseen, so they are presented here for your education and to act as a warning, don’t go wandering in the forest after dark!
These are the tortured souls of our childhood nightmares
You have been warned….
Relics of a Failed State
“Fake News” is not a new concept. Totalitarian regimes have always lied to their people through propaganda and revisionist history. In the absence of an independent and reliable media, truth is lost in the messages fed to the populace by the powerful elite.
There is a lesson for us all in understanding the lengths that governments and politicians will go to in order to preserve their position. Truth is the first victim in war.
These images are based on Communist era statues and relics from Hungary. These have been transported from their original locations and re-erected in a park dedicated to understanding the excesses of the former government. Hungary only ceased being a communist satellite in 1989, less than 30 years ago.