LCCP Outing - Australia Day 26th January
Kurt Fearnley on his way to winning the open section of the Wheelchair race 2017
(c) Michael Smyth
Australia Day 2017 saw a day of mixed weather, but no rain. Thanks to the wonderful organising by Margaret Miller we had around 13 members and friends turn up for the smoking ceremony at Barangeroo, followed by some frenetic action whilst we jockeyed for position at the wheelchair race. After some time spent capturing the action we repaired to a nearby cafe for a well deserved coffee and tea break, with ample time for discussion and socialising. We then wandered towards the underside of the Harbour Bridge in time for the action on the harbour and the overflights by the FA18s and the other aircraft displays. We gradually dispersed as some had other commitments and others found activities of interest that they stopped to follow. The day was fairly grey, but with temperatures in the "comfortable" range we all had a good time and enjoyed the very congenial atmosphere. Thanks again to Margaret for excellent organisation.