Workshop - Night (or Low Light) Photography and Freelensing with Almitra Hill and Ian Cambourne
Freelensing Example (c) Almitra Hill 2018
This week we had one of our in-house workshops where we utilise the experience and expertise of our members to demonstrate various techniques to the membership. This time it was the turn of Ian Cambourne and Almitra Hill to share their knowledge and experiences.
Ian Cambourne started the night with a demonstration and presentation documenting his experiences with low light and night photography. By showing us the many pitfalls and problems to be solved with low light image making, Ian has helped the members to avoid the same issues and to be able to approach low light work with interest and confidence. As Ian said on the night, it is all about having fun and learning. Each time we fail, we learn something and go on to develop our skills.
Almitra Hill followed Ian with a presentation on Freelensing that was a bit scary for some of the members, but Almitra's results encouraged everyone to have a go. Freelensing is a fascinating techniques that brings a unique aesthetic to the images and can become quite addictive.
At the end of the presentations, the members broke into two groups, the first went outside to try their hand at photographing the lovely sandstone church next door, whilst the others experimented with freelensing using a series of still life props that Almitra had brought along. After a short time, the groups swapped over and everybody had an opportunity to try both techniques.
To aid members in experimenting with Freelensing, Almitra has prepared some notes. To access these notes, click HERE or go to the Support Page and look for the title under the heading "Presentations".
Congratulations to both Almitra and Ian for their presentations and enthusiasm.