Portfolio development night #2
Thursday 14th June saw our second Portfolio development night for the year and we had a number of members present work in progress for discussion and commentary by our valued mentor, Alfonso Calero. Alfonso brings a wealth of experience and a practised eye to bear on the work, giving the participants valuable suggestions and further avenues to explore with their work. As usual, there was also a lot of good suggestions and comments from the floor, everyone going home with some more ideas to work with to further refine and expand their portfolio.
Due to a technical issue with the club's laptop, we only have images from Michael Smyth to share on the website at present. Michael's portfolio is called "Spirit Creatures" and portrays imagery of mythical or totem creatures that can be found by looking at the hidden figures lurking within everyday images. The images come from diverse regions including Greenland, Tropical Northern Australia and the wilds of Tasmania. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Troll emerging, Greenland (c) Michael Smyth 2018
The Kraken Wakes, West coast Tasmania (c) Michael Smyth 2018