Presentation September 20th Improving Problem Images by Michael Smyth
With this presentation, Michael followed on from his previous presentation on processing RAW files. This time we were taken through the process of ensuring that Lightroom and Photoshop “talk” to each other, then we were shown how to process “problem” images in both Lightroom and Photoshop.
Michael Smyth showed how to take this uninspiring image into the image below.
Minnamurra rocks at dawn (c) Michael Smyth 2018
Problem images can be defined as those where the lighting falls on the wrong part of the image, or where there is too much contrast, or an image with distracting elements. Using a combination of techniques, Michael showed how many images that would otherwise be discarded can be rescued and made into creative and meaningful images. Comprehensive notes have been prepared and can be found on the club’s Support Page.