2020 | the year of perfect vision
Lane Cove Creative Photography kicked off the new decade and our 50th anniversary year with an overview of our program and a sneak peek at the work of some of our guest presenters.
We have two exciting challenge topics for members this year: abstract and portraiture. Each will again be coupled with a guest speaker and an outing, followed by a presentation night where members can show the images they’ve created.
We have increased the number of classic evaluation nights so members can show their work and have included a new “at speed” version, intended to give members more hands-on opportunities to develop their evaluation and critiquing skills.
A cornerstone of our program and a real growth opportunity for members is our annual portfolio process, which is where our Triple J presenters stepped in. John Chapman (who is kindly returning as our portfolio mentor), Jim Crew and Judith Frost outlined how and why our club embraces this process; what members can expect from it; what they can hope to gain from actively participating; and plenty of inspiring examples to get our creative minds ticking. Special thanks goes to Judith for generously sharing her learnings from her 2019 portfolio journey (the wins and the frustrations) and her commitment to supporting others in the process this year.
Last but certainly not least, we’ll be marking 50 years as a club in July and look forward to celebrating this important milestone. Here’s to another creative year of communicating with light!
written by Almitra Hill