New Committee Elected at our AGM on 18th November
Tulips (c) Ian Cambourne 2021
Our AGM elected a new committee to take us onward into 2022, with the stepping down of our current President, Almitra Hill. The new committe comprises:
President: Michael Smyth; Vice Pesident: Jim Crew; Secretary: David Edmonds; Treasurer: Ian Cambourne and committee members: Almitra Hill, Margaret Miller, Graham Munkman, Michael Shephard and Maiva Smyth.
The new committee gave thanks to the outgoing committee for its outstanding work in keeping the club operating through the uncertainties of Covid restrictions and the move to online meetings via Zoom.
The new committee is hard at work putting together a new program for 2022 where we will be returning to face to face meetings, Covid permitting.
Please note that by unanimous vote, the members elected to resume meetings for fully (double) vaccinated members and guests only. As the club has a duty of care to it’s members and guests, it was deemed to be an unacceptable risk to allow non vaccinated people into the club.
Stay tuned for an update on the new program for 2022.