Evaluation Night #2: Breakout Style
Tonight we had our second Evaluation night for the year, this time using our “Breakout” style of discussion, where members were divided into groups with a leader to coordinate and initiate the discussions on each image. We had over 40 images to discuss with, as usual, a wide variety of images and styles of presentation for our members to discuss. One of the benefits of the breakout style is that smaller groups give more members time and space to discuss the images, with an emphasis on trying to understand the photographer’s intentions and suggesting ways to improve or clarify the intended story contained in the image. In the photo below, Geoff Clark has presented a different style of portrait, where the person is shown as part of their surroundings. The person is surrounded by stunning light and cloud patterns, yet they are oblivious to all this as they are concentrating on something on their smartphone. This is very much an image of our times.
“Portrait” (c) Geoff Clark 2021.