Special Challenge night - "Decay" on Thursday 11th August

Last night we had our special challenge night with a theme of “Decay” in preparation for our three way interclub with Mosman and Northside on September the 8th .  Our facilitator for the night was our very own Diane McKenzie, who ably navigated her way through the print and digital images submitted for comment.  As usual, our members offered a variety of suggestions and comments on the images, which again were of a very high standard.  As always and as expected, there were a variety of suggestions for the photographers to consider, which is one of the strengths of this method of evaluation – a number of options for our workers to consider as ways to improve their image making. 

Our next evaluation night on August 25th will allow some further submissions on this theme before a final selection is made prior to the interclub.

An example of the thoughtful images submitted can be seen in the attached image by Robert Shaverien, “Poster of a failed system”

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