AGM and Special Presentation - AI in Photography Thursday 23rd November
Last night we held our Annual General Meeting, with the election, or re-election of office bearers for 2024. Having served the maximum 2 years, our outgoing President, Michael Smyth was required to stand down and the new President, Jim Crew was elected by unanimous vote. Michael Smyth remains as Vice President and all of the other committee and office bearers were re-elected without change, with the addition of a new committee member, Tony Whitten.
The AGM was followed by a comprehensive presentation on the use of AI in photography, including a discussion on the ethics of using AI generated material and the impact on ownership of the image. LCCP has also adopted a policy on the use of AI in photography that tries to identify acceptable practice. AI is an evolving subject and the presentation and the policy attempts to codify what is considered acceptable practice. Ultimately, the use of AI generated material will be a matter for individual ethics and honesty. To see the presentation and read the AI policy, go to the Support page.