Making a Photo Book
The topic for our last meeting, on May2, was Making a Photo Book which included a presentation and discussion about the process. After a PowerPoint presentation outlining the benefits of making photo books and some of the editing techniques that can be applied, several members, who had previously made a photo book or two, showed their books and spoke about their experience of making a book.
Included in the discussion was information about the available organisations that can print books, the prices they offer and the overall quality and service they offer. There was considerable interest shown and much informative discussion took place.
To allow for a review of the presentation or for information for members who could not attend the night, a downloadable pdf version of the PowerPoint presentation is now on our website, in the support section.
Our next meeting is another in our Essential Skills program, this time the topic is Dodging and Burning. So come along and learn something about techniques that photographers have applied since the introduction of the art to male their good photographs great photographs.