2019 First Meeting of the Year
Death and Life (c) Jim Crew 2019
Our Vice President, Almitra Hill started off our first meeting of the year with a rundown of the presenters and activities planned for the year. The committee has put a lot of work into the program and has tried to bring some new ideas to the club, so this year should be exciting and different.
Almitra’s presentation was followed by Jim Crew who gave a very logical and detailed run through the portfolio process, which is the central plank of the club’s activities. Comprehensive notes can be found on the Support Page, or by clicking HERE…
Following Jim Crew’s introduction to the Portfolio process, we introduced John Chapman who will act as our mentor for 2019. John is a member of LCCP and is a former member of Northside Creative and a current member of Nebuli Arts, a group formed to exhibit and promote creative photographic work. You can see some of Nebuli Art’s work HERE…