"The Heart of the Photograph" Presentation by David duChemin 25th July
Last meeting was a video presentation from well known photographer and educator David du Chemin, titled “The Heart of the Photograph”. David has a philosophy and approach to photography that is very much in line with some of the principles we try to follow within our group.
In his presentation David took us through the process of making our photographs more meaningful, primarily by concentrating on what the subject of a photograph is about and not simply what it is. He also talked about some principles of composition and the importance of applying a sense of depth within the photograph. Also included in his presentation was some rationale about when black and white can be more appropriate than colour. All in all it was a most interesting and informative presentation
During his presentation David offered access to some of his books to supplement the presentation. These books are now available as downloadable pdf versions on our website, in the support section. If you would like a copy of the video presentation, bring a USB drive, with at least 3 Gb of space available, to the next meeting and Michael will provide you with a copy. It is a worthwhile exercise to visit David’s web site (davidduchemin.com) as he has a wealth of information and educational offerings.
Our next meeting is a Challenge Night with the theme being Advanced Capture Techniques, based on the presentation we had a few meetings ago. So get your creativity hats on and show how you can put some of the techniques to work.
Jim Crew President